Saturday, March 20, 2010

first day of spring... REALLY?

Well, spring officially begins this weekend, and what do we have to show for it? More snow! Doesn't seem very springy to me! I've heard lots of complaints today about this weather, and yes, some of those complaints have come from me. But there is one girl who woke up this morning and was thrilled to step off the front porch into several inches of cold, white powder... my Riley dog! She LOVEs the snow as much as I love laying on the beach under the hot sun! So instead of sitting inside all morning sulking about the low temps and the seemingly never-ending snow falling from the sky, I decided to grab my camera and indulge in Riley's love of winter! Maybe these images will inspire you as well to enjoy what I hope is our last snowfall of the season :)

Riley was excited when one of the neighbor dogs came out to play too...


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